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Earlier calls

Since its creation in 2005, FonCSI launches regularly calls for proposals on industrial safety.

2014 call: «Innovating in safety and safe innovations»

2nd european Saf€ra call

Two topics composed this call:

  • Managing emerging risks
  • New technologies for safety

Read more about :
> this european call
> the ERA-NET Saf€ra


 2013 call: «Human and organizational factors including the value of industrial safety»

1steuropean Saf€ra call

Two topics composed this call:

  • The value of safety and safety values
  • Resilience : Improving management of safety

Read more about:
> this call
> the ERA-NET Saf€ra


2010 call: «Dynamics of negotiation and compromise»

The objectives of this research program is to open the « black box » of negotiation and arbitration processes that already exist regarding industrial risks in order to investigate new risks management modalities, new governance modes. It is a major social concern to determine which might be the new terms of agreements and new procedures for obtaining agreements between all stakeholders concerning high-risk industrial activities.

> Read more about this call


2008: «Risk, uncertainty and decision-making»

Individuals concerned with the management of hazardous activities are regularly confronted with different forms of uncertainty. This is true of workers on industrial sites, people who operate large infrastructures and networks, who work in research laboratories, for regulatory authorities, for agencies that provide expertise and guidance to government authorities, people who work for insurance companies, etc.It is also true of organizations such as local authorities, non governmental bodies and associations, trade union organizations, and in general, all organizations that may be concerned by the presence of hazardous activities.

> Read more about this call


2006 call: «Arbitration between partially conflicting goals»

Safety is an important goal for most organisations. However, decision-makers must also take other requirements into account: economic goals such as cost-cutting, innovation and business continuity; legal and societal requirements such as public tolerability of risk and aspirations for a more democratic decision-making process. There is a need better to understand how decision-makers arbitrate between maintaining stringent safety goals and these other considerations, at multiple levels: inside companies, in local government, at the national and European levels, and transversely to these different levels.

> Read more about this call


2006 call: «Vulnerability of organizations»

The ability of organizations to make sense of the state of their environment, to detect new threats, to adopt new technologies and organizational attributes, contribute to their resilience.

> Read more about this call


2005 call: «Sociocultural success factors for experience feedback»

Industrial firms have been using experience feedback and lessons learned analysis for many years. How can they develop a reporting culture; how to avoid complacency at all hierarchical levels?

> Read more about this call