HOF in high-risk companies
A strategic analysis took place from 2017 to 2019.
Problem statement
Many companies are keen for human and organisational factors (HOF) to be taken into account in industrial safety policy, albeit at different paces. Some companies recruited specialists a long time ago and have structured their approach, whilst others are still at the initial contact stage.
Depending on their context, companies can face difficulties in defining the notions of human and organisational factors and industrial safety. What are the concepts, the approaches by discipline and the professions (ergonomists, HF specialists, sociologists, etc.) that need to be mobilised? What relations should be built between a safety culture approach and an HOF approach?
Some more questions
- How can a HOF approach to industrial safety be structured in a large group?
- Is it possible/desirable/necessary to achieve a unified vision of the place of human work in productive performance, notably within the Executive Committee / Board of Directors, and more broadly along the chain of command?
- Shift from an “HOF approach” led by specialists, to a “generalisation”?
Publications & Documents
SpringerBrief in Safety Management
This volume discusses the concerns of HOF specialists who are sometimes struggling to have an impact on high-level decision-making.
> Free download in PDF and ePub
(Springer website)
Tribune de la sécurité industrielle (opinion piece)
René Amalberti, Director of the FonCSI, brings us an Tribune which aims to demonstrate that human and organisational factors (HOF) are present in different forms in multiple approaches and departments (HR, HSE and product) within companies.
> 2018-01 ― « Human and organisational factors in companies :
on three separate tracks? »
ScientifiC COmMITTEEs
Scientific committee of strategic analyses (GSAS)
Experts and industrials associated with this strategic analysis:
- Nicolas Herchin (GRTgaz)
- Myriam Promé-Visinoni (ICSI)
- Christian Neveu (SNCF)
- Philippe Noël (TotalEnergies)
- Valérie Lagrange (EDF)
Strategic Analyses Coordinator
Caroline Kamaté
E-mail : caroline.kamate@foncsi.org
Tel : +33 5 32 37 83