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Contracting relationships in high-hazard industries

Interventions by contractors create multiple safety challenges, and are the subject of numerous provisions that are found at all stages of the process: from the selection of contractors, through to the execution and assessment of the work. Provisions generally concern both occupational and industrial safety, and are part of the “quality” component of tender documents. As they are intended both to address safety performance and to provide a legal defence in the event of an accident, a contractor can find itself confronted by very disparate requirements, both in terms of form and substance, which creates a very heavy administrative burden for both partners. Can examples of good practice be found, in the context of an agile partnership that ensures safe working conditions?

Key points in video


> Safe Performance in a World of Global Networks
(open access)

Stategic Analysis

Scientific committee

Core members of the strategic analysis group:

  • Benoît Journé, University of Nantes
  • Jean-Christophe Le Coze, INERIS

Experts from industry and other organizations associated with this strategic analysis:

  • Sophie Rougé, Airbus
  • Florence-Marie Jégoux, DGAC
  • Nicolas Lot, EDF
  • Céline Poret & François Jeffroy, IRSN
  • Jean-Yves Bligny & Mohamed Chalabi, SNCF
  • Sébastien Roulier, TotalEnergies

International academic experts

Five internationally renowned academic experts participated in a seminar at the end of October 2020, in order to compare their visions with the GSAS, and to propose new avenues for improvement.

Petter Almklov
NTNU (Norway)

Nadezhda Gotcheva
VTT (Finlande)

Colin Pilbeam
Cranfield University

Bruce Pinnington
University of Liverpool
Michael Quinlan
UNSW Business School

This work led to the publication of an academic book by Springer in the open access collection of Foncsi « SpringerBriefs in Safety Management ».

Contact & coordination

Eric Marsden