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Safety Culture & safety theory

The question asked by FonCSI’s industrial partners addresses the link between safety models and the safety culture in order to increase safety within companies carrying out hazardous activities.

A strategic analysis took place from 2015 to 2017, and a book was published in 2018.


SpringerBrief in safety management

> Safety Cultures, Safety Models - Taking Stock and Moving Forward
(Springer Website - Open acces)


Opinion pieces

> 2015-04 -
cause or consequence?


> 2015-05 -
A way out
of the impasse

> 2016-05
Safety models,
safety cultures:
What link?


ScientifiC COmMITTEE

> GSAS Members

As well as experts and industrialists associated with this strategic analysis:

  • Franck Guarniéri (Mines ParisTech)
  • Olivier Guillaume (EDF R&D)
  • Nicolas Herchin (Engie)
  • Jean-Christophe Le Coze (Ineris)
  • Christian Neveu (SNCF)
  • Philippe Noël (TotalEnergies)

Contact and coordinator

Caroline Kamate
Tel: +33 5 32 09 37 83