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Work and workers in the future

What will it be like working in high-hazard industrial sectors in 2040? What will be at stake for industrial safety? Anticipating “the industry of the future”, the impact that the evolution of society, technologies, organization and communication modes have on human work, is a priority. Foncsi and partners are addressing these issues through a high-level 18 month-research programme that includes a residential seminar with international experts, and the publication of an open-access book by Springer.

The strategic analysis on “Work and workers in the 2040’s” worked from 2019 to 2021.

A video with the key questions


> Managing Future Challenges for Safety
(open access)
 > Industrial safety in a changing world> Bringing together humanity and technology in context


Scientific committee

Core members of the strategic analysis group:

  • Corinne Bieder, ENAC, Toulouse, France
  • Hervé Laroche, ESCP Europe, Paris, France
  • Jesús Villena López, Ergotec, Spain

Experts from industry and other organizations associated to the strategic analysis:

  • Florence Reuzeau, Airbus
  • Raluca Ciobanu, EDF
  • Laurent Cebulski & Bruno Dember, EPSF
  • Franck Ollivier, Eurovia
  • Nicolas Engler & Thierry Escaffre, GRTgaz
  • Dounia Tazi, ICSI
  • Alexandre Largier & Tania Navarro Rodriguez, IRSN
  • Stella Duvenci-Langa & Cyril Cappi, SNCF
  • Raphaël Waxin, TotalEnergies

International academic experts

Seven internationally renowned academic experts participated in a seminar in november 2020, in order to compare their visions with the GSAS, and to propose new avenues for improvement.

John Allspaw
Adaptive Capacity Labs

Stian Antonsen

Michael Baram
Boston University

Flore Barcellini

Gérard de Boisboissel
CREC Saint-Cyr

Steven Shorrock


Akira Tose
Niigata University


This work will lead to the publication of an academic book by Springer in the open access collection of Foncsi « SpringerBriefs in Safety Management ».

Workshop "Rail safety of the future"

On March 23, 2021, Foncsi organized a prospective workshop with leaders of organizations in the railway sector:

François Davenne
(International union of railways)

Loïc Dorbec
président of AGIFI (French Association of Independent Rail Infrastructure Managers)

Yann Leriche
CEO of Getlink
(Eurotunnel, Europorte, ElecLink et CIFFCO)

Pierre Messulam
director of risks, security and safety
Groupe SNCF

Dominique Riquet
European deputy,
member of the transport
and tourism committee

Pierre-Franck Chevet, president of IFP Energies Nouvelles, and Jean Pariès, scientific director of Icsi-Foncsi, were the organizers.

Contact & coordination

Caroline Kamaté
Tel.: +33 (0)5 32 09 37 83