Citizen participation: the outlook 20 years after the Toulouse disaster
- FonCSI working group « Gouvernance des risques industriels et participation citoyenne sur les territoires »
- Numéro
- 2024-07
- 10.57071/911pcr
- Nombre de pages
- 80 pages
- Type dans la collection
- Aide à la réflexion
- Centre d'intérêt
- La Concertation Sur Les Risques Industriels
Formats disponibles
This publication in the “Cahiers de la sécurité industrielle” collection presents the findings of the FonCSI “Industrial risk governance and citizen participation at the local level” working group, which met ten times between September 2020 and December 2021.
Part One of this “Cahier” presents a brief overview of citizen information and participation in industrial risk and pollution related issues in France (chapter 1), then focuses in on the transposition of European regulations in this domain in Italy and the Netherlands (chapter 2).
In chapter 1 of Part Two we endeavour to analyse the bitterly disappointing conclusion reached in the aftermath of the Lubrizol and Normandie Logistique fire and the strong government response that followed, while in chapter 2 we suggest some possible courses of action and avenues to explore in order for citizen information and participation to be given greater consideration in the complex issue that is cohabitation with high-risk activities.