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Uncertainty characterization in risk analysis for decision-making practice

Enrico Zio
Nicola Pedroni
Nombre de pages
39 pages
Type dans la collection
Apport de la recherche
Centre d'intérêt
L'Analyse De Risque

Uncertainty characterization in risk analysis for decision-making practice

Formats disponibles


This document provides an overview of sources of uncertainty in probabilistic risk analysis. For each phase of the risk analysis process (system modeling, hazard identification, estimation of the probability and consequences of accident sequences, risk evaluation), the authors describe and classify the types of uncertainty that can arise. The document provides: a description of the risk assessment process, as used in hazardous industries such as nuclear power and offshore oil and gas extraction; a classification of sources of uncertainty (both epistemic and aleatory) and a description of techniques for uncertainty representation; a description of the different steps involved in a Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) or Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), and an analysis of the types of uncertainty that can affect each of these steps; annexes giving an overview of a number of tools used during probabilistic risk assessment, including the HAZID technique, fault trees and event tree analysis.